Some of the services we have provided include:
- Disability Awareness Training for the corporate, education and not-for-profit sectors.
Be inclusive of staff – particularly with an ageing workforce.
How your business can benefit by employing people with a disability: fewer WorkCover claims, loyal staff, the benefits of a diverse workforce.
Service improvement: good service for people with a disability benefits all customers and improves your bottom line.
Practical information about supporting staff and clients who have a disability.
- Awareness workshops for school staff and student cohorts.
- Disability inclusion for the Training Sector –meet your legal obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act Standards for Education. Workshops and consultancy.
- Casual training and assessment against the Australian Qualifications Framework in Certificate 3 and 4 in Disability.
- Access to premises advice and referrals to qualified Access Auditors.
- Post school transition planning, advice and referrals for people with disabilities.
- Development of corporate Disability Action Plans.